Friday, August 23, 2013

Prayer list and announcements for August 25

Prayer Requests

 The Oil Rush Mission field in western ND. Spiritual growth & new vitality in our churches

Britton: Nick Olson, Doris Olson, Clay Erickson, Dawn Nip, Marge Thoelke, Walt Roehr, Erla Ringer, Paula Olson,  Family of Kay Wiggins (Kirk & Randy’s sister),  Reana B and family,  Daphne,  Gayle Erickson, Linda & Kenny Price,  Joan Anderson, Judy Andrews,  Dick Moeckly, Cliff Olson, Bonnie Olson, Luke Storley, Cindy.  

Claremont: Kenny Frey, Patsy Cutler, Sarah Frey’s father, Family of Annie Tieszen, George Dahl & Harold Winburn;  Verl Cutler, Nnea Stanley, Ginger Vickers,  Kathryn Cutler,  Kristina Bjorklund,  Tiffany Valnes, Patty Anne (niece of Don  Miller), Laronda Becker.

Hecla: Family of Maurice Scott,  Larry Sullivan, Family of Eugene Angle and Betty Knecht,  Violet Dinger, Kate Dinger,  Doyle Burkhart,   Darlene  Scott,  Martha  Ackerman (Janet’s mother),  Bernard Colestock, Ed Mitchell,  Pam (Alma Bagley’s daughter),  Linda Smallwood.

Those in the military:
Lee Osterloh, David Rasmussen Jr., Ryan Jones, Ryan Vrchota, Michael Swanson, Alex Swanson, William Gibbs

Impact World Tour is an evangelistic movement focusing on bringing the message of Christ to communities around the world. Britton will be hosting an event on Wednesday, October 9th at the Britton-Hecla Amacher Auditorium.  It takes many hands, hearts, prayers and funds to support this type of event. It is anticipated that there will be approximately 600 people who will attend the event. In addition to the event three special teams will be holding school assemblies in Britton-Hecla and Langford focusing on how to build character a couple of days before the event.  Each team has a different gift of speaking and entertaining (Polynesian dancing, skateboarding tricks, and power/strength demonstrations). While this may seem to be a doubtful way to bring the message of Christ to the communities, it has been proven to work very well and has impacted many lives for Christ. There are opportunities to help make this a successful event. Some involve training to share our faith in Christ, some are organizing, some are participating in prayer groups, some helping with meals, some helping with ushering/setting up the stage, some are data entry. This is a wonderful opportunity to reach out to our community, both those involved in growing their faith and those who don’t personally know Christ. Please prayerfully consider how God is asking you to respond to this opportunity to spread God’s Word so that more youth/adults  will come to know God’s love, grace and mercy; so that they will become disciples of Christ; so that they are able, empowered and equipped to bring others to know God’s love as well. Many lives will be impacted by this event for God’s kingdom. Contact Pastor Nancy regarding any questions/concerns  and opportunities to serve.

 Sunday, September 8th Sunday School will resume at 9:45am at Claremont UMC. Mark your calendar and invite the children and youth in your family and the community to come and be a part of this time of learning about Jesus and growing in faith. The children will be singing during the worship on that day. There will also be a POTLUCK lunch following worship to celebrate this wonderful day of new beginnings. Beverages and plates/utensils will be provided. Looking forward to seeing everyone there!!

 God’s love has produced many miracles, large and small. One of these is the life-sustaining power of blood. We have the ability to share this miracle of life; to pass it along to others. The opportunity to share your healthy blood with those less fortunate will be on Monday, August 26th 11:00am to 6:00pm at the Britton Community Center. Please call Kathy Erickson at 448-2900 to schedule an appointment. Our church supports this blood drive for United Blood Services who supplements the blood need of our local and surrounding hospitals. On behalf of those who will benefit, thank you.

 Haiti Solar Oven Project
Montas Joseph, Haitian director of the Haiti Solar Oven Partners (HSOP), and Raymonde Joseph, HSOP training director, will visit 25 communities in the Dakotas during September 2013.
The Josephs are employed by Haiti Solar Oven Partners, a Brookings, SD-based mission of the Dakotas Conference of the United Methodist Church. Founded 14 years ago, HSOP is directed by missionary Rick Jost.
Montas & Raymonde will be in Britton, SD on Monday, September 9th at 2:30pm at the Britton UMC. Refreshments will be served.  Weather permitting (need lots of sun), Raymonde will bake a cake in one of the solar ovens and this will be served as part of the refreshments at event. Montas will present a short video and give a short presentation regarding the project and how it has been helping the Haitian people survive and thrive.  Come, bring a friend, and learn more about the project and how the funds raised this past spring were put to use and helped so many people.

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