Monday, May 28, 2012

Prayer list and announcements for June 3

Prayer Requests
Dick & Jan Thompson, Darold Borman (friends of Pastor Nancy)
Britton: Jack, infant son of Brooke & Steve, Dennis Kilker,
Sandy (Kathy W's friend), Joanne Anderson, Kate Aadland, Carl Olson,
 Roger Andrews, Carlene Pierson, Marge Edwards, Bernice Benda,
 Rose (Doris' sister), Bette Haywood's sister Linda, Journey--1st grader with cancer, Dick Moeckly, Cliff Olson, Bonnie Olson, Luke Storley, Cindy.

Claremont: Family of Merlyn Olson, Marv Rasmussen, Kim (Jackie’s niece),
Tiffany Valnes, Mark Rasmussen, Rev. Marilyn Spurrell,
 Annie Tieszen, Larry (Sandy) Sanderson, Patty Anne (niece of Don Miller),
 Laronda Becker.
Hecla: Ronald Hyatt, Alma Bagley, Ashlynn Casey, Kate Dinger,                     Pam (Alma Bagley's daughter), Kelly Bushby, Linda Smallwood, Betty Knecht (Wayne's niece), Judy Wagner, Steve Glover.  

Those Serving in the military overseas:
Lee Osterloh, David Rasmussen, Jr, Michael Swanson, Alex Swanson,
 Ryan Jones

Upcoming Events
Worship-Hecla-8AM; Britton-9:30AM; Claremont 11AM
May 31st 9:30am Britton Bible Study begins
June 8th Bridal Shower for Kellie Ellefson (bride to be of Brandon Alberts

Opportunities to Grow, Serve & Share                                                  The schedule UM Camps at Wesley Acres, Lake Poinsett and Storm Mountain are available. Make sure you pick up a brochure to see what exciting and fun camps are available for the youth. Scholarships are available from each of the churches as well as from the Conference Camping office. Please let Pastor Nancy know if you would like more information about the camps or about the scholarships that are available.
Pastor Nancy will be on medical leave from the late afternoon of May 9th to approximately June 5th. During that time if any pastoral needs arise, please contact the following people:
Daryl & Judy Lloyd---994-2126 for Hecla UMC
Clark Moeckly---448-2212 for Britton UMC
Marcia Haaland---885-6398 for Claremont UMC
Rev. Sheila Richards will be leading the worship services from May 13th through June 3rd.

My tentative plan is to stay with my sister, Marvena, in Brandon for 10-14 days and then return to Claremont for the remainder of the recovery time, with the assistance of another sister--Dorothy. You may mail cards/letters to me at
PO Box 168, Brandon, SD 57005
in care of Marvena Agnew. I will also be checking email during my time away. Thank you in advance for lifting me in prayer during this time of recovery.

Summer is just around the corner and the routines of the spring change to accommodate the warmer weather and opportunities to travel and visit friends and family. Please remember to support God's ministry through the church during this busy time-with your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service and your witness.

Hecla UMC will be having a change in worship time beginning June 10th. Worship will be begin at . This time will be given a trial and be re-evaluated after 3-6 months as to the effectiveness of the change. The times of worship for Britton and Claremont will not change at this point.

Costs to purchase equipment to provide projection, sound and visual assistance with worship are being researched at this time for Claremont UMC. The anticipated cost is approximately $3,000. Some funds have been set aside to cover the cost, however additional funds are needed. Please prayerfully consider how God is asking you to support this technology update to our worship. Funds may be sent in, or placed in the offering plate each Sunday. Please designate "Audio/Visual Fund" on your donation. Thank you in advance for considering this request.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

prayer list and announcements for May 20

Prayer Requests
Dick & Jan Thompson, Darold Borman (friends of Pastor Nancy)
Britton: Jack, infant son of Brooke & Steve, Dennis Kilker, Sandy (Kathy W's friend), Joanne Anderson, Kate Aadland, Carl Olson, Roger Andrews, Carlene Pierson, Marge Edwards, Bernice Benda, Rose (Doris' sister), Bette Haywood's sister Linda, Journey--1st grader with cancer, Dick Moeckly, Cliff Olson, Bonnie Olson, Luke Storley, Cindy.

Claremont: Kim (Jackie’s niece), Tiffany Valnes, Mark Rasmussen, Rev. Marilyn Spurrell,
 Annie Tieszen, Larry(Sandy) Sanderson, Patty Anne (niece of Don Miller), Laronda Becker.
Hecla: Ronald Hyatt, Alma Bagley, Ashlynn Casey, Kate Dinger, Pam (Alma Bagley's daughter), Kelly Bushby, Linda Smallwood, Betty Knecht (Wayne's niece), Judy Wagner, Steve Glover.
Those Serving in the military overseas:
Lee Osterloh, David Rasmussen, Jr, Michael Swanson, Alex Swanson, Ryan Jones
Upcoming Events
Worship-Hecla-8AM; Britton-9:30AM; Claremont 11AM
May 17th Claremont UMW
May 31st Britton Bible Study begins

Opportunities to Grow, Serve & Share                                                 
 The schedule UM Camps at Wesley Acres, Lake Poinsett and Storm Mountain are available. Make sure you pick up a brochure to see what exciting and fun camps are available for the youth. Scholarships are available from each of the churches as well as from the Conference Camping office. Please let Pastor Nancy know if you would like more information about the camps or about the scholarships that are available.

Pastor Nancy will be on medical leave from the late afternoon of May 9th to approximately June 5th. During that time if any pastoral needs arise, please contact the following people:
Daryl & Judy Lloyd---994-2126 for Hecla UMC
Clark Moeckly---448-2212 for Britton UMC
Marcia Haaland---885-6398 for Claremont UMC
Rev. Sheila Richards will be leading the worship services from May 13th through June 3rd.

My tentative plan is to stay with my sister, Marvena, in Brandon for 10-14 days and then return to Claremont for the remainder of the recovery time, with the assistance of another sister--Dorothy. You may mail cards/letters to me at
PO Box 168, Brandon, SD 57005
in care of Marvena Agnew. I will also be checking email during my time away. Thank you in advance for lifting me in prayer during this time of recovery.

Summer is just around the corner and the routines of the spring change to accommodate the warmer weather and opportunities to travel and visit friends and family. Please remember to support God's ministry through the church during this busy time-with your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service and your witness.

Hecla UMC will be having a change in worship time beginning June 10th. Worship will be begin at . This time will be given a trial and be re-evaluated after 3-6 months as to the effectiveness of the change. The times of worship for Britton and Claremont will not change at this point.

Costs to purchase equipment to provide projection, sound and visual assistance with worship are being researched at this time for Claremont UMC. The anticipated cost is approximately $3,000. Some funds have been set aside to cover the cost, however additional funds are needed. Please prayerfully consider how God is asking you to support this technology update to our worship. Funds may be sent in, or placed in the offering plate each Sunday. Please designate "Audio/Visual Fund" on your donation. Thank you in advance for considering this request.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Prayer list and announcements for May 6th

Prayer Requests
 Dick & Jan Thompson, Darold Borman (friends of Pastor Nancy)
Britton:  Joanne Anderson, Kate Aadland, Carl Olson, Roger Andrews, Carlene Pierson,  Marge Edwards, Bernice Benda, Rose (Doris’ sister),
 Bette Haywood’s sister Linda, Journey--1st grader with cancer, Dick Moeckly, Cliff Olson, Bonnie Olson, Luke Storley, Cindy. Family of Elaine Zuehlke

 Claremont: Tiffany Valnes, Mark Rasmussen,  Jerome Ness,
 Rev. Marilyn Spurrell, Annie Tieszen, Larry(Sandy) Sanderson, Patty Anne (niece of Don Miller), Laronda Becker. Family of Val Cutler.

Hecla: Ronald Hyatt, Jean Swearingin,  Alma Bagley, Ashlynn Casey,
 Kate Dinger, Pam (Alma Bagley’s daughter), Kelly Bushby, Linda Smallwood, Betty Knecht (Wayne’s niece), Judy Wagner, Steve Glover.  

Those Serving in the military overseas:
Lee Osterloh, David Rasmussen, Jr, Michael Swanson, Alex Swanson,
 Ryan Jones 

Upcoming Events
Sunday School: -Britton, -Claremont, -Hecla
Worship-Hecla—8AM; Britton—; Claremont
May 6th BCH youth group at Claremont
May 8th Hecla Office Hours
Hecla Administrative Council Meeting
May 9th Britton Office Hours
May 17th Claremont UMW
May 31st Britton Bible Study begins

Thoughts to Ponder
“The shortest road to an understanding of the Bible is the acceptance of the fact that God is speaking in every line.”       Donald G. Barnhouse
Opportunities to Grow, Serve & Share
The schedule UM Camps at Wesley Acres, Lake Poinsett and Storm Mountain are available. Make sure you pick up a brochure to see what exciting and fun camps are available for the youth. Scholarships are available from each of the churches as well as from the Conference Camping office. Please let Pastor Nancy know if you would like more information about the camps or about the scholarships that are available.

Sidewalk Sonday School will be coming to our churches this summer. The SWSS trailer and two teachers will be here the week of July 23-27th. Look for additional information in the newsletters to come. Please put it on your calendar and plan on helping with this opportunity to bring the name of Jesus into the lives of area children.

Pastor Nancy will be on medical leave from the late afternoon of May 9th to approximately June 5th. During that time if any pastoral needs arise, please contact the following people:
Daryl & Judy Lloyd---994-2126 for Hecla UMC
Clark Moeckly---448-2212 for Britton UMC
Marcia Haaland---885-6398 for Claremont UMC
Rev. Sheila Richards will be leading the worship services from May 13th through June 3rd.
My tentative plan is to stay with my sister, Marvena, in Brandon for 10-14 days and then return to Claremont for the remainder of the recovery time, with the assistance of another sister--Dorothy. You may mail cards/letters to me at
PO Box 168, Brandon, SD 57005
in care of Marvena Agnew. I will also be checking email during my time away. Thank you in advance for lifting me in prayer during this time of recovery.

Britton UMC will begin a new Bible Study on the book of Daniel on Thursday, May 31st at . This is another of Beth Moore’s studies and it covers the life and faith of our ancestor Daniel. Please contact Andrea Kilker by May 13th to have a workbook ordered for the study.
Summer is just around the corner and the routines of the fall and spring change to accommodate the warmer weather and opportunities to travel and visit friends and family. Please remember to support the church during this busy time—with your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service and your witness.

Hecla UMC will be having a change in worship time beginning June 10th. Worship will be begin at . This time will be given a trial and be re-evaluated after 3-6 months as to the effectiveness of the change. The times of worship for Britton and Claremont will not change at this point.