Thursday, July 26, 2012

Prayer list and announcements for July 29

Prayer Requests
Britton: Gayle Erickson, Tim Johnson, Jayden Meyer,  Linda & Kenny Price, Robin Timmerman, Chase Timmerman, Levi Timmerman, Marge Edwards,  Sylvia, Darian’s grandmother, Lana Schott, Family of Dennis Kilker, Jack Moeckly, Brenda Vrchota,  Sandy, Joan Anderson, Carl Olson, Roger Andrews, Carlene Pierson, Bernice Benda, Dick Moeckly, Cliff Olson, Bonnie Olson, Luke Storley, Cindy.
Family’s of Marcine Olson and Virgil Meeker.  
Claremont: Family of Jordan Hanson, Jessie Rasmussen, Paul Trubenbock, Todd Gefroh, Robert Taylor, Family of Greg Freeland, Betty Beck, Kristina Bjorklund, Tiffany Valnes, Annie Tieszen, Larry (Sandy) Sanderson, Patty Anne (niece of Don  Miller), Laronda Becker.
Hecla:  Family of Perry Peterson, Kate Dinger, Robert Lewis, Derwin Bushby, Claudette’s niece, Norman Krause, Pam (Alma Bagley’s daughter), Kelly Bushby, Linda Smallwood, Betty Knecht, Judy Wagner, Steve Glover.
Those in the military:
Lee Osterloh, David Rasmussen Jr., Ryan Jones, Ryan Vrchota, Michael Swanson, Alex Swanson, William Gibbs

Upcoming Events
Worship: Hecla-8:15am; Britton-9:30am; Claremont-11am
July 29th Worship at
Spruce Court
            Worship at Wheat Crest Hills
July 31st Hecla Office Hours
July 31st Britton Trustees Meeting
August 1st Marshall Co. Ministerial
11-4 Britton Office Hours
August 1st Hecla Bible Study at Bev Dinger’s
August 2nd  Britton Bible Study
August  Worship in the Park w/St. John’s Lutheran in Hecla
August 7th Hecla Office Hours

Thought to Ponder
 Most people are concerned about rights. They feel they must protect their rights even if it means infringing on someone else’s. But there are two things no one has a right to expect: mercy and grace. Mercy is compassion shown to an undeserving person. If you don’t deserve compassion and receive it anyway, you are receiving mercy. Grace, on the other hand is unmerited favor and assistance. If you receive a gift or a favor without earning it or deserving it, you are receiving grace. God’s love overflows in both visible and invisible expressions of grace and mercy. If you think you deserve either or both, you have yet to get a complete picture of yourself.

Opportunities to Grow, Serve & Share

Bev Dinger invites you to view the Bible Study “To Live is Christ” by Beth Moore. This is a study of the life and ministry of Paul. The study begins on Wednesday, August 1st at . The address is
308 Oak St
, Hecla. Invite a friend and be a part of this exciting and challenging study. 

Mike Dinger, Hecla UMC, will be taking a semi-trailer filled with donations of clothing, furniture, toys and small appliances to Spirit Lake Ministry Center within the next week. He is searching for a volunteer or two or three to go along and assist with driving and unloading the trailer.(One full day trip) If you are able to help, please call Mike at 994-2149 for additional information.

St. John’s Lutheran-Hecla invites you to attend Worship in the Hecla City Park on Sunday, August 5th at with a potluck to follow the service. The folks from Hecla UMC are asked to bring paper products (plates, cups, napkins, silverware) and a dish to share. The meat and beverages will be provided. Mark your calendars and join our Lutheran brothers and sisters in a time of worship and fellowship.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Prayer list and announcements for July 22

Prayer Requests
Britton: Linda & Kenny Price, Robin Timmerman, Chase Timmerman, Levi Timmerman, Marge Edwards,  Sylvia, Darian’s grandmother, Lana Schott, Family of Dennis Kilker, Jack Moeckly, Brenda Vrchota,  Sandy, Joan Anderson, Carl Olson, Roger Andrews, Carlene Pierson, Bernice Benda, Dick Moeckly, Cliff Olson, Bonnie Olson, Luke Storley, Cindy.
Family’s of Marcine Olson and Virgil Meeker.  
Claremont: Family of Greg Freeland, family of Terry Thoreson, Kristina Bjorklund, Kim (Jackie’s neice), Tiffany Valnes, Annie Tieszen, Larry (Sandy) Sanderson, Patty Anne (niece of Don  Miller), Laronda Becker.
Hecla: Kate Dinger, Robert Lewis, Derwin Bushby, Claudette’s niece, Norman Krause, Pam (Alma Bagley’s daughter), Kelly Bushby, Linda Smallwood, Betty Knecht (Wayne’s niece), Judy Wagner, Steve Glover. Janet Graf & Phyllis McLean’s brother and wife.
Those in the military:
Lee Osterloh, David Rasmussen Jr., Ryan Jones, Ryan Vrchota, Michael Swanson, Alex Swanson, William Gibbs

Upcoming Events
Worship: Hecla-8:15am; Britton-9:30am; Claremont-11am
July 23-26th SWSS - Hecla UMC
            Claremont UMC
            Britton UMC
July 26th Britton Bible Study
July 29th Combined Worship at Hecla UMC
            Brunch Potluck
August 1st Hecla Bible Study at Bev Dinger’s

Thought to Ponder
The fear of rejection is actually a rejection of God’s truth.

Opportunities to Grow, Serve & Share
Thank you to all who participated in the Miracle Sunday offering for Minot Faith UMC. Your gifts are greatly appreciated and will touch many lives for Christ as a result. Thank you for helping your extended family of UM’s.

Side Walk Sunday School will be held this week: July 23rd through July 26th. Hecla meets from -, Claremont meets from at the Park and Britton meets from . This is for children and youth aged 4 through 6th grade. Make sure to invite friends, neighbors and extended family. Please be in prayer as we prepare to bring the message of God’s steadfast love to the children in our church and community. Volunteers are needed for supervision and snacks--Contact Jo Bush, Stephanie Frohling or Jenn Gustafson.

Bev Dinger invites you to view the Bible Study “To Live is Christ” by Beth Moore. This is a study of the life and ministry of Paul. The study begins on Wednesday, August 1st at . The address is
308 Oak St
, Hecla. Invite a friend and be a part of this exciting and challenging study.

July 29th we will join together as a 3 point parish for worship at Hecla UMC. We will worship at and then gather for a potluck brunch. Come and enjoy a joyous worship time and then stay to have a time of great food and fellowship. Bring a dish to share. The beverages and eating utensils will be provided by Hecla UMC.

Our focus for the July 5th Sunday Mission Offering will be the Marshall County Food Pantry. You are invited to bring non-perishable food items to the churches during the month of July to help support the Food Pantry. During the summer months there is an increased need as the children do not receive the two meals per day at the school. Please prayerfully consider how God is calling you to respond. A special offering received during the July 29th Worship will help the Food Pantry buy specific items that are in great demand. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Prayer list and announcements for July 15

Prayer Requests
Britton: Robin Timmerman, Chase Timmerman, Levi Timmerman, Ron Binger, Krista (Ron & Jean’s niece), Marge Edwards, Jenna (Pam & Clark’s Granddaughter), Darian’s grandmother, Lana Schott,
 Family of Dennis Kilker, Jack Moeckly, Brenda Vrchota,  Sandy, Joan Anderson, Carl Olson, Roger Andrews, Carlene Pierson, Bernice Benda, Dick Moeckly,
Cliff Olson, Bonnie Olson, Luke Storley, Cindy.
Claremont: Ted Bigart, Millicent Miller,
 Family of Greg Freeland, family of Terry Thoreson, Kristina Bjorklund, Kim (Jackie’s niece), Tiffany Valnes, Annie Tieszen, Larry (Sandy) Sanderson, Patty Anne (niece of Don  Miller), Laronda Becker.
Hecla: Janet Graf’s brother and sister-in-law, Jim Wilson, Norman Krause, Pam (Alma Bagley’s daughter),
 Kelly Bushby, Linda Smallwood, Betty Knecht (Wayne’s niece), Judy Wagner, Steve Glover.
Those in the military:
Lee Osterloh, David Rasmussen Jr., Ryan Jones,
 William Gibbs, Ryan Vrchota, Michael Swanson,
 Alex Swanson.
Upcoming Events
Worship: Hecla-8:15am; Britton-9:30am; Claremont-11am
July 17th Hecla Office Hours
July 17th Britton Trustees
July 17th B-C-H PPRC Meeting at Britton UMC
July 18th Marshall Co Ministry Meeting
July 18th Britton Office Hours
July 18th Hecla Administrative Council
July 19th Britton Bible Study

Thought to Ponder
Trust God’s Word and His power more than you trust your own feelings and experiences.        Samuel Rutherford
Opportunities to Grow, Serve & Share

Minot Faith UMC sustained irreparable damage to their facilities last spring and summer during the floods. Despite the disaster and the devastating effects it had on the community as well; these faithful United Methodist’s have continued to be active in serving Christ. They have kept their food pantry open to help those in the community and have kept up with all of their financial obligations. At this point in time they are facing a building project. Land has been selected for purchase and plans are being made to build on a new site. In order to make these first steps happen, they need to raise $415,000 by July 21st. Sunday, July 15th has been designated as Minot Miracle Sunday. On that day a special offering will be received to help our brothers and sisters in Christ in Minot rebuild, not just a building, but a place of worship where they are able to continue to serve our Lord in mighty ways. This is what being ‘connectional’ as UM’s is all about. Prayerfully consider how God is calling you to respond to this request.

Side Walk Sunday School will be held July 23rd through July 26th. Hecla will meet from -, Claremont will meet from and Britton will meet from . This is for children and youth aged 4 through 6th grade.
Please be in prayer as we prepare to bring the message of God’s steadfast love to the children in our church and community. Volunteers are needed for supervision and snacks.

  Our focus for the 5th Sunday Mission Offering will be the Marshall County Food Pantry. You are invited to bring nonperishable food items to the churches during the month of July to help support the Food Pantry. During the summer months there is an increased need as the children do not receive the two meals per day at the school. Please prayerfully consider how God is calling you to respond. A special offering received during the July 29th Worship will help the Food Pantry buy specific items that are in great demand. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Prayer list and announcements for July 8

Prayer Requests
Britton: Ron Binger, Krista (Ron & Jean’s neice), Marge Edwards, Jenna (Pam & Clark’s Granddaughter), Darian’s grandmother, Lana Schott, Family of Dennis Kilker,
Jack Moeckly, Brenda Vrchota, Sandy, Joan Anderson, Carl Olson, Roger Andrews, Carlene Pierson,
 Bernice Benda, Dick Moeckly, Cliff Olson, Bonnie Olson, Luke Storley, Cindy.
Claremont: Kristina Bjorklund, Kim (Jackie’s neice), Tiffany Valnes, Annie Tieszen, Larry (Sandy) Sanderson,
 Patty Anne (niece of Don Miller), Laronda Becker.
Hecla: Jim Wilson, Norman Krause, Pam (Alma Bagley’s daughter), Kelly Bushby, Linda Smallwood, Betty Knecht (Wayne’s niece), Judy Wagner, Steve Glover.
Those in the military:
Lee Osterloh, David Rasmussen Jr., Ryan Jones,
 Ryan Vrchota, Michael Swanson, William Gibbs
Upcoming Events
Worship: Hecla-8:15am; Britton-9:30am; Claremont-11am
July 10th Claremont Trustees meeting
                Hecla Office Hours
               Hecla Administrative Council Meeting
July 11th Britton Office Hours
              Britton Trustees Meeting
              Britton Finance Meeting
              Britton Administrative Council Meeting
July 12th Britton Bible Study
            Pastor Nancy in Fargo for District Meeting
July 18th B-C-H PPRC Meeting at Britton UMC

Thought to Ponder
Our God is a seeking God, the God of all grace.
                        Rev. Maxie. Dunnam

Our focus for the 5th Sunday Mission Offering will be the Marshall County Food Pantry. You are invited to bring nonperishable food items to the churches during the month of July to help support the Food Pantry. During the summer months there is an increased need as the children do not receive the two meals per day at the school. Please prayerfully consider how God is calling you to respond. The special offering received during the July 29th Community Worship will help the Food Pantry buy specific items that are in great demand. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Opportunities to Grow, Serve & Share

Minot Faith UMC sustained irreparable damage to their facilities last spring and summer during the floods. Despite the disaster and the devastating effects it had on the community as well; these faithful United Methodist’s have continued to be active in serving Christ. They have kept their food pantry open to help those in the community and have kept up with all of their financial obligations. At this point in time they are facing a building project. Land has been selected for purchased and plans are being made to build on a new site. In order to make these first steps happen, they need to raise $415,000 by July 21st. Sunday, July 15th has been designated as Minot Miracle Sunday. On that day a special offering will be received to help our brothers and sisters in Christ in Minot rebuild, not just a building, but a place of worship where they are able to continue to serve our Lord in mighty ways. Prayerfully consider how God is calling you to respond to this request.

Side Walk Sunday School will be held July 23rd through July 27th. Hecla will meet from -, Claremont will meet from and Britton will meet from .
Please be in prayer as we prepare to bring the message of God’s steadfast love to the children in our church and community.

There will be a joint service between Britton, Claremont and Hecla on Sunday, July 29th. The service will be at at Hecla City Park and will be followed by a potluck lunch. Mark your calendars and share in worship, food, fellowship and fun.