Friday, January 28, 2011

Announcements & prayer list for January 30th

In Our Prayers
Those needing strength and healing:
Wyatt Hagan, Jim Reickman, Terry Haaland, Sheila Ives, Paul Feser, Lorraine Feser, Dale Kurth,
Bill Vander Vorst, Don & Marj Hinrichs,, Pete Carlson, Charlie Berg, Tiffany Valnes, Laronda Becker

Roy T., Gene Fruedenthal, Lee Schneider, Brian Schroeder,
Floyd Mertz, Bonnie (Judy’s sister)

Those serving with our military overseas:
Jamie Morris, Travis Bailey, Nick Leigh, Lee Osterloh

Those needing Comfort and Strength
Family of Dale Stanley

Upcoming Events
January 30th Confirmation
February 1st Study “Woman of Moderation” at Hecla
February 2nd 7PM Claremont UMYF
February 3rd Claremont Bible Study
February 6th Holy Communion
                    7:45 AM Hecla Bible Study
February 7th Pastor Nancy out of town
February 8th “Woman of Moderation” Study
February 9th at UMC
February 9th Claremont Circle
February 9th Hecla Administrative Council
February 10th Claremont Bible Study
                       7:30PM “Shack” Study

Thoughts to Ponder
“Send your Word, O Lord, like the rain,
Falling down upon the earth.
Send your Word.
We seek your endless grace,
With souls that hunger and thirst,
Sorrow and agonize.
We would all be lost in dark
Without your guiding light.”
Hymn: “Send Your Word” by Yasushige Imakoma

The focus for the 5th Sunday Offering in January is the Marshall County Food Pantry in Britton. Please bring your donations of non perishable food items or cash donations to church by Sunday, January 30th. Thank you in advance for helping those in need in our communities. Your gifts are greatly appreciated.

The Youth Group of Hecla and Claremont has been invited to join Groton UMYF on a ski trip, February 19th through the 21st  at Storm Mountain. The cost is approximately $125 which will include lodging, meals, transportation, entrance to a indoor water park and cost of ski pass. Cost of food while traveling will be extra. If the youth are interested in participating, please contact Pastor Nancy by January 30th. We will leave at from Groton UMC on Saturday morning and return after breakfast on Monday morning. 

The Bible Study “A Woman of Moderation” will begin in Hecla on Tuesday, February 1st at . There is a maximum of 15 members for the class. The study will deal with how our eating habits and faith are linked. This is an 8 week study. Prayerfully consider if God is calling you to participate in this study.

Nominations Form:  Make a Difference with your gifts and talents
 The new Platform for Ministry adopted at last year's annual conference is in the process of coming together.  In this process is the need for the formation of temporary task forces, committees and work groups.  The nomination committee has put together an application form that gives all clergy and laity an opportunity to express an area of interest in which they would be willing to serve.  If you are interested please contact Pastor Nancy for information on getting the form.

Contact information:
Parsonage: 294-5303; Church: 294-5831;  Pastor’s Cell: 294-7388
Church email: