Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Prayer list and announcements for April17


In Our Prayers
Those needing strength and healing:
Lane Sanderson,  Rick Pahl Family, Phoenix Burmeister,  Drucilla Hinrichs, Don & Marj Hinrichs, Pete Carlson, Charlie Berg, Tiffany Valnes, Laronda Becker, Annie Tieszen

Dawn Frohling, Michael Ford, Luke Storley, Viola Shilhanek, Leroy Bagley, Duane Skoglund, Lorreta (Bernard Colestock’s sister)  Roy T., Gene Fruedenthal, Floyd Mertz,

Those serving with our military overseas:
Jamie Morris, Travis Bailey, Nick Leigh

Upcoming Events
April 17th Palm Sunday Services
                 Hecla Couple’s Group
April 19th Hecla Bible Study
April 20th Claremont UMYF
                  Hecla UMW
April 21st Holy Thursday Service-Claremont
                 Hecla Holy Thursday Service-St. John’s Lutheran
April 22nd Claremont Good Friday Service
                  Hecla Good Friday Service at UMC
April 24th  Easter Service at Hecla UMC followed by potluck
                   Claremont UMYF serves light Breakfast
                    Claremont Easter Service
Thoughts to Ponder
“Do you find yourself striving for good works to the point that you want others to know you by your actions? You may have developed a reputation for being someone responsible, creative, smart, or successful based on the things you have done. You want others to see the works of your hands. But Jesus clearly tells us, ‘It is the spirit that gives life; the flesh is useless.’ Quit striving for recognition based on your accomplishments and instead embrace the work of Jesus on the cross—it is by His actions that we have life. That is what we are to boast of; that is where we are to find our identity.”    From The Easter Experience Devotional’ Day 32

Contact information:
Parsonage: 294-5303; Church: 294-5831;  Pastor’s Cell: 294-7388
Church email: 
An Open House Shower & Fundraiser will be held on Sunday, April 17th from at Legion Hall in Claremont for the Pahl family. As you may remember they lost their home and all belongings in a fire on March 19th. Thank you in advance for your participation and generosity in helping the family get on their feet.

Anyone wishing to bring an Easter Lily, daffodils or tulips to enhance our worship area on Easter Sunday is encouraged to do so. The more flowers we have the better. If you would like to give them in honor/memory of someone, let Pastor Nancy know by April 18th and it will be included in the bulletin. Thank you in advance for your generosity. For those in Claremont, Jennifer Gustafson has volunteered to pick them up and bring them to the church for those who wish to have her do it for them. Please sign up by April 17th. She will let you know the cost.

Claremont’s UMYF will be hosting a light breakfast prior to the service on Easter Sunday. It will be served from . Donations received will be used to help with the Mission trip in August.

Pastor is looking for volunteers to attend the School of Ministry in Bismarck, ND on May 2-4th. The topic is on worship planning and on how we can encourage an increase in worship attendance. The speakers are from the Church of the Resurrection (UMC). Please contact Pastor Nancy if you are interested in attending with her. Registration deadline is April 17th.

The announcement regarding the formation of a three point parish between Britton, Claremont and Hecla was announced last week. If you have suggestions/ideas for the representatives from each church to consider how it will be organized, please speak to your representatives or Pastor Nancy as soon as possible. Meetings will begin after Easter to begin writing a document of agreement with the goal of having it completed by beginning to mid June. Please give us your feedback so we may adequately represent you during these meetings.

Thank you to Bob & Janet Graf for the palm branches given to Hecla UMC in memory of their son and grandson.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Prayer list and announcements for April 10

In Our Prayers
Those needing strength and healing:
Lane Sanderson, Rick Pahl Family, Phoenix Burmeister, Drucilla Hinrichs,
 Don & Marj Hinrichs, Pete Carlson, Charlie Berg, Tiffany Valnes,
 Laronda Becker, Annie Tieszen

Luke Storley, Viola Shilhanek, Leroy Bagley, Duane Skoglund,
 Lorreta (Bernard Colestock’s sister)  Roy T., Gene Fruedenthal, Floyd Mertz,

Congratulations to Rod & Kathy Heinrich on the birth of their grandson, Trig

Those serving with our military overseas:
Jamie Morris, Travis Bailey, Nick Leigh

Upcoming Events
April 10th Hecla Bible Study
                 12Noon Claremont Administrative Council
April 12th Hecla Bible Study
                  Hecla Administrative Council
April 13th Lenten Service-Claremont
                  Lenten Service at St John’s Lutheran
                  Claremont Evening Circle
April 14th Claremont Bible Study
April 17th Palm Sunday Services
                 Hecla Couple’s Group
April 19th Hecla Bible Study
April 20th Claremont UMYF
                  Hecla UMW
April 21st Holy Thursday Service-Claremont
                 Hecla Holy Thursday Service-St. John’s Lutheran
April 22nd Claremont Good Friday Service
                  Hecla Good Friday Service at <삼Ɗ>UMC
April 24th  Easter Service at Hecla UMC followed by potluck
                   Claremont UMYF serve Breakfast
                   Claremont Easter Service

   Claremont’s UMYF will be hosting a breakfast prior to the service on Easter Sunday. It will be served from . Donations received will be used to help with the Mission trip in August.

Thoughts to Ponder
For those who have faith in Jesus Christ, forgiveness has been promised. We are assured of His grace and mercy, knowing that no person can be found righteous on their own merit. Instead, we must each rely completely on the work of Christ on the cross. But so often we take that for granted. “Act now and ask forgiveness later” is our strategy for getting what we want out of life. But when we betray God on purpose, relying on His forgiveness later, we cheapen His tremendous sacrifice. Remember what He’s done for you this Easter season, and remind yourself that the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life.
            From: ‘The Easter Experience’ Devotional, Day 25

Contact information:
Parsonage: 294-5303; Church: 294-5831;  Pastor’s Cell: 294-7388
Church email: 

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An Open House Shower & Fundraiser will be held on Sunday, April 17th from at Legion Hall in Claremont for the Pahl family. As you may remember they lost their home and all belongings in a fire on March 19th. Thank you in advance for your participation and generosity in helping the family get on their feet.

Anyone wishing to bring an Easter Lily, daffodils or tulips to enhance our worship area on Easter Sunday is encouraged to do so. The more flowers we have the better. If you would like to give them in honor/memory of someone, let Pastor Nancy know by April 18th and it will be included in the bulletin. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

On Sunday, April 10th a special offering will be received to support One Great Hour of Sharing. Proceeds enable UMCOR to continue their relief efforts around the world when disasters strike. Prayerfully consider how God is asking you to respond.
Pastor is looking for volunteers to attend the School of Ministry in Bismarck, ND on May 2-4th. The topic is on worship planning and on how we can encourage an increase in worship attendance. The speakers are from the Church of the Resurrection. Please contact Pastor Nancy if you are interested in attending with her. Registration deadline is April 17th.

Plans are in progress for the beginning of the Britton, Claremont, Hecla Parish beginning July 1, 2011. Bishop Kiesey and the cabinet made the decision final after meetings with representatives from the three churches. Now begins the planning of the different issues that will make this flow smoothly. Recommendations have been suggested and will be further discussed as representatives meet again in the future to begin the process of writing a document of agreement. Any suggestions/ideas from the congregation are welcomed. Please contact Roy Pulfrey, Lorrie Sanderson, Daryl Lloyd or Pastor Nancy by May 1st with your suggestions/comments, etc. A list of the recommendations discussed so far, as well as additional topics to be discussed/determined, will be available within the next week. The goal is to have the document completed and approved by Administrative Council’s in June.