Thursday, July 18, 2013

Prayer list and announcements for July 21

Prayer Requests
 The Oil Rush Mission field in western ND., flooding in ND, Peg Larson (friend of pastor’s), Paul Englekes (pastor’s nephew)
Britton: Dawn Nip, Marge Thoelke, Walt Roehr, Erla Ringer, Paula Olson,  Family of Kay Wiggins (Kirk & Randy’s sister), Sarah’s youngest son at Mayo,  Damian,  Reana B and family,  Daphne,  Susan Sletto,  Gayle Erickson, Linda & Kenny Price,  Joan Anderson, Judy Andrews,  Roger Andrews, Dick Moeckly, Cliff Olson, Bonnie Olson, Luke Storley, Cindy.  
Claremont: Family of Annie Tieszen, George Dahl & Harold Winburn;  Verl Cutler, Nnea Stanley, Ginger Vickers,  Kathryn Cutler,  Kristina Bjorklund,  Tiffany Valnes, Patty Anne (niece of Don  Miller), Laronda Becker.
Hecla: Family of Eugene Angle and Betty Knecht, Family of Howard Peterson,  Violet Dinger, Kate Dinger, Heather Wilson, Doyle Burkhart,   Maurice Scott, Martha  Ackerman (Janet’s mother),  Bernard Colestock, Ed Mitchell,  Pam (Alma Bagley’s daughter),  Linda Smallwood.
Those in the military:
Lee Osterloh, David Rasmussen Jr., Ryan Jones, Ryan Vrchota, Michael Swanson, Alex Swanson, William Gibbs
Upcoming Events
Worship: Hecla-8:00am; Britton-9:30am; Claremont-11am
July 22-26th 1-4pm VBS at Claremont UMC
July 23rd 8pm Hecla Administrative Council
July 27th 11am K. Wiggins Memorial Service at Britton UMC
July 28th 10:30am St John’s Lutheran Church worship in the park in Hecla

The Marshall County Ministerial is in the process of organizing an evangelism event for the youth of our communities. The event is organized through Impact World Tour, a division of Youth With a Mission. The event will take place on Wednesday, October 9th at the Britton Amacher Auditorium.  This is a wonderful opportunity to reach out to our youth, both those involved in their faith and those who don’t know about Christ. To help make this event a success many hands, many prayers and financial support will be needed. Please prayerfully consider how God is asking you to respond to this opportunity to spread God’s Word so that more youth will come to know God’s love, grace and mercy so that they will become disciples of Christ and then bring others to know God’s love as well.

The Marshall County Food Pantry will begin their school supply give away on August 9th. Donations of school supplies are being requested. The donations may be brought to the churches or to the Food Pantry at the Britton Community Center. In addition, financial support is also being requested to buy the items that are more expensive and that many teachers have been providing. This includes jump/flash drives, calculators, tennis shoes (required to have a pair for use in the gym only). Prayerfully consider how you will respond to this opportunity to help those in our communities who are less fortunate. Your gifts will impact the lives of many youth and help them to be better prepared to learn. Look for additional information in next week’s Britton Journal and Langford Bugle.

Reminding FYI: It has been a tradition at Claremont UMC to receive an offering at the coffee fellowship time. The gifts given at this time are used to help with camperships for our youth. The Foundation tracks the funds and distributes a portion of the camp registration to each camper. The amount provided is determined by the number of registrations and the amount that is received. The youth camps are a vital ministry for our youth, for growing in their faith and for meeting other UM youth from the Dakotas. These relationships often continue into adulthood. Many camps have helped youth to discern a call to ministry in various areas.  

Vacation Bible School begins on Monday, July 22nd from 1pm to 4pm at Claremont UMC. Come one! Come All! The theme is Kingdom Rocks and promises to be an exciting and challenging time. The youth will be receiving an offering to support a mission project, the Bibles studies are interactive, the snacks are tied into the message for each day and the games and crafts are fun.  All young knights and maidens from Kindergarten through 6th grade are invited to attend Monday through Friday from 1-4pm. On Friday the festivities will conclude with a program and snacks. All adults are invited to come and see what the children have learned and experienced during the week.  PS: There are still openings available for additional volunteers to help guide the children through the afternoon and to support the leaders of each section of learning. Come and be a volunteer and be a conduit of God’s love in the same manner that others before you have done. What a mighty and amazing God we serve!!!